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Amy Ryan

Class of 2027


I was born and raised in Southern California in a family of devout Evangelicals. Though my current faith practice looks different from the way I was raised, I'm grateful to my parents for sincerely modeling a love for God and others. As a young adult, I was bit by the travel bug and spent time living in Mexico, Germany, Canada, and eventually Thailand, where I met and married my (American) spouse. We have four children and have lived in San Antonio since 2020. I enjoy reading, spending time outdoors, and cheering for the Spurs.


I have participated in the Day of Prayer and Service, Christmas to the Streets, Sacred Ground, and Dinners for Eight. My spouse and I are in our third year of EFM and have just begun to serve during the weekly liturgies. But my single favorite way to participate in the St. Mark's community is the new adult formation. I absolutely love the table discussions and getting to know people who were previously just faces I had seen scattered across the pews.


I think the Renewal Works program was a fascinating insight into how well our community is currently fulfilling our core vocation, and I feel privileged to have been asked to serve on the Vestry class that will be moving forward on implementing some of the ideas that came out of that process. From my perspective, I see plenty of ways that our community feeds those hungry for beauty and creativity and those hungry for knowledge and meaning. Between the wonderful music program, adult art classes, Bookstore presentations, Bible studies, and formation classes, there really is something for everyone!


A particular passion for my tenure on the vestry would be to strive towards a similar saturation of opportunities to feed the physically hungry in our community. I know that we partner with a few ministries that do exactly this, and I long to see more hands-on involvement opportunities for our parishioners.


We moved to San Antonio in 2020 and filled out an online visitor card. Despite the Covid lockdown, we were immediately invited to participate in Virtual VBS and Virtual "Mind the Gap" gatherings. My children went on to participate in Virtual choir, and I completed a virtual Sacred Ground circle. The welcome we received once we eventually began attending in person was incredible. I knew immediately that I had found home and threw myself wholeheartedly into making sure others feel as warmly welcomed as I did.

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