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The Rev. Beth Knowlton



The Rev. Beth Knowlton has enjoyed serving as the Rector of St. Mark’s since 2014. Beth has a passion for community life and was drawn to St. Mark’s by the commitment of its parishioners to live out its Core Vocation to Feed San Antonio with the Bread of Life through outreach, education, and the arts. She loves to preach, teach, and write reflections on how our spirituality informs our daily life. Beth is joyfully engaged in all aspects of parish life, from administration to pastoral visits.

At the Diocesan level, she currently co-chairs the Board of Examining Chaplains. She loves to meet with parishioners and is never too busy for a cup of coffee or lunch to get to know people better. She is particularly interested in when we encounter God in the ordinary moments of life and how our spiritual practices support those encounters.


Born in Atlanta, Beth spent most of her childhood in Bethesda, MD, and then Mt. Pleasant, MI. She was raised in the Society of Friends (Quakers) and became an Episcopalian in college. She has been an associate at Green Bough House of Prayer, an ecumenical retreat center in Georgia, since 1998. Their rule of life forms her as she tries to live out its seven principles: the sacrament of the present moment, prayer, simplicity, silence and solitude, spiritual direction, spiritual reading, and frequent participation in the Eucharist (Holy Communion).

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