At the heart of our Baptismal Covenant is the call to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves; to strive for justice and peace among all people; and to respect the dignity of every human being (Book of Common Prayer, p. 305). Through St. Mark's, you’ll find opportunities to use your talents, passions, and resources to serve God and your neighbor. Whether you are drawn to ministry behind the scenes or out front, discover the joy of serving within our community and beyond.
Service Opportunities
In the Episcopal Church, the laity play as crucial a role in the weekly worship service as the Clergy and Staff do. In fact, without us, the Eucharist cannot be celebrated! Opportunities include: Greeters & Ushers Lectors & Intercessors Altar Guild Chalice Bearers Altar Flower Delivery Music Ministry
Hospitality and Care
Whether we’re celebrating a milestone, mourning a loss, welcoming someone new, or simply walking with someone going through a difficult season, the ways we care for each other show that each person here is seen, known, and loved by God, and by us. Opportunities Include: Events & Receptions Mental Health Ministry Lay Eucharistic Visitors Note Writing Welcome Table/Newcomer Connections Gardening Weekday Front Desk Coverage
Children and Youth
We are all responsible for helping each other grow in the faith. We’re especially responsible to our youngest members. We even promise to do this whenever we witness a baptism and renew our own baptismal vows. Opportunities include: Sunday & Wednesday Nursery (0-4) Sunday & Wednesday Children’s Ministry (K-5) Sunday & Wednesday Youth Ministry (6-12) Children’s Ministry Setup & Events
As members of the San Antonio community, we partner with local organizations to provide volunteer teams and other gifts for both long-term and one-off projects and events designed to care for our neighbors. Local Partners Include: Communities in Schools Haven for Hope Various Bread of Life Grant Partners