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Church San Antonio

Everett Jones
Legacy Communion

Meet your philanthropic, tax planning, and estate planning goals while providing financial support to St. Mark's. The Everett H. Jones Legacy Communion acknowledges those who have included St. Mark’s in their estate plans or made a lifetime gift to the endowment above and beyond their annual giving.


Endowments and funds provide a critical revenue stream for St. Mark's that makes ministry to our members and neighbors possible today and far into the future. Income from our endowment and funds make up over 10% of our operating revenue annually.


Here are ways you can remember St. Mark's in your Estate Plans:​


  • Name St. Mark’s as a beneficiary of your will, bank account, 401K, or insurance policy. 

  • In wills and trusts, consider indicating a % of residuary assets as a legacy gift.  

  • Use a Donor Advised Fund, Charitable Annuity, or other tool to meet tax and legacy goals while also benefitting St. Mark’s. 

  • Endow Your Pledge (annual pledge x 25 based on our current 4% distribution rate would accomplish this). 

  • Consider giving an accelerated legacy gift now to maximize its impact for St. Mark’s in the nearer term. 


Contact Jack Mitts to learn more and join the Legacy Communion.

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