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Everyone is welcome here, and we invite you to make St. Mark's your home. We live an active faith through music, outreach, classes, small group gatherings, and more. Our community is dedicated to sharing Christ with one another and our neighbors as we live out our Core Vocation: 

Feeding San Antonio with the Bread of Life
Feeding the hungry with real food; 
Feeding those who are hungry for knowledge and meaning; 
Feeding those who are hungry for beauty and creativity.

We hope you’ll explore our website to discover all that St. Mark’s has to offer. Join us this Sunday, and be sure to let us know you're here by filling out the Welcome Form. This form also gives you the option to sign up for our weekly eNews, the best way to stay updated on everything happening in our community.

Welcome From the Rector!

Frequently Asked Questions


1 / Where do I park?

Our main parking lot is at the corner of E Pecan and Jefferson, across the street from the church. We also have a smaller lot at the corner of E Pecan and Navarro. There’s no need to pay for parking on Sunday when you’re coming for a service. Handicapped parking spaces are available in both lots. From the Jefferson lot, cross the street and enter the church through the street-level double gates into Tucker Courtyard. Greeters will be there to help with the door and the lift to the Narthex if needed. If you’re coming from the Navarro lot, you can use the ramp at the E Pecan entrance to get into the church.

2 / I’m bringing my children. What options are available to them?

Children of all ages are welcome in the service, and we have activity bags available for them if you want to keep your children with you. Our Nursery for children up to age 4 is on the first floor of the Parish House beginning at 8:00 am and going through the end of the 10:30 service. All of our volunteers are trained in First Aid, child CPR, and have been fully vaccinated. Children in Kindergarten to 5th Grade meet together for Children’s Chapel on the 2nd floor of the Parish House for the first half of the 10:30 service. They will be brought up to Gish Hall about halfway through the service so that they can participate with you in the Eucharist. A Greeter or Usher will be happy to help you get your children to the correct room and get them checked in. You can also let us know they’re coming through our registration form on the children's page of this website. Middle and High School students attend the whole service with you, and you’ll see kids their age serving alongside adults throughout the liturgy.

3 / What should I wear?

Some people dress up in their “Sunday Best”. Some people dress more casually. Wear whatever you’re comfortable wearing.

4 / I see there are two services. Are they the same?

Our 8:30 am service is smaller, quieter, and uses the Rite I spoken liturgy, the more formal of the two. We meet in our main worship space, the Nave. Also in the Nave, our 10:30 am service begins with a procession of our lay ministers, choir, and clergy, and use the Rite II liturgy. We sing from the 1982 Hymnal. When you arrive, an usher will offer you a bulletin. In addition to announcements for upcoming programs and events, the bulletin contains the full order of service, including suggestions for when to sit, stand, or kneel. In the Episcopal Church, you’ll see a lot of different expressions of worship, so please do whatever makes you feel comfortable. We suggest you plan to arrive about 15 minutes before the start of a service so you have time to get your bearings, take your children to the Nursery or Children’s Chapel if you want to, and even get a cup of coffee on the 1st floor of the Parish house before finding a seat in the church to enjoy the music and settle your heart and mind for worship.

5 / Am I allowed to receive Communion?

In the Episcopal Church, every baptized person is welcome to receive communion. When we celebrate the Eucharist together, we go forward to one of three areas at the front of the church to receive the elements. You’re free to stand or kneel to receive the bread and the wine (and we do have gluten free wafers available upon request in all three areas). Some people will drink directly from the chalice, some will intinct or dip their wafer in the wine, and others will choose to only receive the bread. How you receive the elements is up to you. You’re also welcome to come forward for a blessing if you don’t want to receive the elements at all. Or, you may simply stay in your seat to pray, sing along with the hymn, or take in the beauty of the space. If you have difficulty walking and would prefer to receive the elements at your seat, let the usher know when they come to your pew, and the elements will be brought to you.

6 / Do you offer Sunday School for all ages?

During the summer, everyone ages 4 and up will meet at 9:15 am for Intergenerational Formation and Breakfast in Gosnell Hall, which is on the first floor of the Parish House.

7 / Will I stand out as a visitor?

The short answer is, only if you want to. One of our practices as a community is “the gift of knowing and being known”. We do this by offering nametags for everyone at entrances to the building which you are free to wear or not wear. We took on this practice during Lent 2023 because with multiple services and many people on campus each Sunday, it was a great way for even our most established members to get to know each other. When Lent was over, we decided to make this an ongoing practice of our community. During the service, you’ll be encouraged to fill out a welcome card and bring it to the Welcome Table in the bell tower because we’d love to reach out to you to get to know you, answer questions you may have, and help you find ways to connect here when you’re ready. At the Welcome Table you’ll find our Parish Life Handbook that provides a lot more information about who we are and how we live out our faith together as followers of Jesus and a special gift just for you. This is also a great place to ask questions and even sign up for various events throughout the year.

8 / I’d like to get more involved at St. Mark’s. What’s the best way to do that?

If you haven’t already, let us know you’re here by filling out the welcome form. On that form, you can let us know how you’d like to get involved and ask questions. The Community tab above will show you different opportunities to connect, grow, and use your gifts at St. Mark’s. Our weekly eNews is the best way to keep up with everything going on here at St. Mark’s. When you fill out the welcome form or a card on Sunday morning, you can let us know you’d like to be added to the mailing list, or you can sign up at the bottom of this page. eNews comes out every Wednesday afternoon. On Wednesday evenings, we gather as a community for Evening Prayer, dinner, Bible study, youth group, children’s activities, and one-off events and classes throughout the year. The less formal setting of Wednesday evenings is a great way to meet other people!

Parish Life

Our Parish Life publication is your go-to source for all things St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Inside, you'll find details about Sunday services, formation and service opportunities, the choir, children’s programs, and much more. You can also pick up a printed copy in the Bell Tower or Parish House on Sundays!

Our Recent Sermons

Fishing Tale - The Rev. Ann Fraser - February 9, 2025

Fishing Tale - The Rev. Ann Fraser - February 9, 2025

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